April 25, 2010

First post on World Awareness

Hello, my name is Britton and I would like to share my thoughts about how the world works and how to make it a better place. I have a very open mind and I delve into some very deep and sometimes "fringe" material, but I keep a steady, straightforward, common sense approach. What I would like to accomplish is open some minds and make contacts with people who are as motivated as I am.

There are a couple mainstays that I hold dear, and I will commonly refer to them in my posts. First, and most important, is I hold Truth in the highest regard, the foremost priority. The Truth is one of the most precious things we humans can understand. The qualities I especially like about Truth is that it is objective, meaning it has no agenda, it does not attempt to pursuade, deceive, or make you think a certain way. The Truth simply answers you; Truth just is.

Second is that the world we are born into is not a pleasant one. While there is plenty of fun, happiness, and love to be shared, there is much pain and suffering felt worldwide, every day.I believe there are two main reasons for this.

1) The first is a Buddhist concept- the source of all suffering is desire. Our appetites for material possessions are insatiable, just look at an average American shopping mall. There's a saying in our culture, "He who dies with the most toys wins." Also, our egomaniacal longing for moral superiority is detrimental to forging peaceful relationships between individuals, which in turn has segregated us into groups. We have effectively divided us against ourselves. "Us vs. Them" mentality is potentially the most primitive and destructive thought process we succumb to.

2) The second is there is a group or groups of people who have massive influence in world affairs, yet they take great measures to assure that they are not found to be working in concert with one another. These people are incredibly powerful, powerful enough to significantly change the world for the better. The reason they haven't done so is because they profit from the status quo, they are satisfying their greed and lust for worldly desires. They want to keep the world the way it is, and will go to great lengths to do so. Yes, please pay attention to the men behind the curtain.

The third mainstay that I use is sometimes just for fun, but at other times it helps me reinforce an important point. Forms of entertainment, be they books, music, movies, mythology, or just really good stories, are sometimes commentaries on the world, and sometimes commentaries of our own mental faculties (and sometimes both!). Telling stories is one of the most universal human traits, every culture and subculture has a compelling story about how they got started. Using and quoting these interesting stories is used by lots of people everyday, but sometimes I'll take an even more literal view of it. For instance, the movie "The Matrix" was an amazing commentary about the world as we know it. So good in fact, I might even argue that we're in the matrix right now....

My last mainstay is as important, if not more important, than the first. It is that fear is a negative, harmful emotion and that love is a wonderful, positive, beautiful emotion. The less you fear, the happier you'll be, and the more you love, the happier you'll be. The choice is literally that simple. I understand, it's very easy to give in to fear, and it's very difficult to love thy enemy. But it works!

I'm not religious, but I do believe that we are Spirits who have a different place to go after death. Death is not to be feared- nothing is. Positivity is a wonderful tool that can literally move mountains, so even when the subject matter I share might seem depressing or shocking, always keep in mind that we can't dwell on the negative. The more positivity in your life, the better off you and those close to you will be.

Looking forward to sharing more,

July 27, 2008

July 4, 2008

older post deleted